Ten and half months ago I started this blog and
set out to have the healthiest year of my life. I was motivated. I was excited.
I was committed. And then… well then instead of taking over my life and making
it healthier, I let my life take over and here I sit – 15 pounds heavier and
actually unhealthier than I was 10 months ago.
I started this blog for a couple of reasons.
First, I needed to make a change and I thought a blog would hold me accountable
to that change. I also wanted to write on a regular basis again. I missed it
and wanted the creative outlet it would provide. So what the heck happened?
I made excuses. My biggest excuse was stress. I
convinced myself that I wasn’t eating better because I was stressed. I wasn’t
exercising because I was too stressed about work and didn’t have time. I kept
saying I would start next week or after I finished this project or that one.
I actually did start going to a weekly Zumba
class, just a few weeks before I knew I was having foot surgery and wouldn’t
have to continue for long. I am great at doing things so I can get the credit
without really having to follow through.
I won’t say that I have been lying to myself,
but I have been telling myself a really good story that was more enchanting
than reality. You see the difference, right?
So what next? Do I give up blogging? Do I
rename it? I don’t have the answer yet, but here are a few things that I know.
- I want to write and a few folks have told me that they want to read it.
- Until I am ready to work on my sleep habits, no other changes will give me the change I need.
- While the healthiest year of my life is a great goal, it is overwhelming and I ought to just start with making one healthier decision each day.
- I have a lot of other stuff that would be fun to write about. I am the single mother of a three year old for goodness sake and six days out of the week I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. That should make for some good posts.
I am not sure where this leaves me but maybe my
next post will start me in the right direction. Regardless, I’M BACK!!!
Unfortunately as big and unhealthy as ever.
I'm so glad you are back! You are entertaining no matter the topic, so just keep writing.